CBD & The LGBTQ Community: Talking With Wayne Carkeek Of Out & About CBD

Episode 37 April 30, 2020 00:33:32
CBD & The LGBTQ Community: Talking With Wayne Carkeek Of Out & About CBD
The Ministry of Hemp Podcast
CBD & The LGBTQ Community: Talking With Wayne Carkeek Of Out & About CBD

Apr 30 2020 | 00:33:32


Show Notes

Can CBD help with the anxiety and stress of being an out member of the LGBTQ community in a straight world?

In this episode Matt talks about the dangers of ending social distancing practices too soon and some tips on quarantine self-care. Then Matt’s weekly conversation is with Wayne Carkeek, Co-Founder of Out and About CBD. Wayne founded the company after dealing with his own anxiety as a young gay man growing up in Montana and with the mission of bringing the benefits of CBD to the LGBTQ community.

Wayne also works with and is an avid supporter of The Trevor Project. Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film “Trevor,” The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

Also mentioned in this episode: our Editor in Chief Kit O’Connell collaborated with Honeysuckle Magazine to tell the story of how the media fueled the early war on drugs.

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CBD & The LGBTQ Community: Complete episode transcript:

Matt Baum:
I’m Matt Baum and this is The Ministry of Hemp podcast brought to you by MinistryofHemp.com, America’s leading advocate for hemp and hemp education.

Matt Baum:

Matt Baum:
Welcome back and today on the show we’re going to be talking to Wayne Carkeek. He started a CBD company that was geared towards the LGBTQ community and it’s the first time I’ve really talked to someone who started one of these companies with a community in mind, and he did so because he went through some things as a young gay man trying to come to terms with who he was that caused him a lot of anxiety and he found relief in CBD. So much so that he decided to start his own company and help other people just like him. It’s a very cool interview and I’m excited for you to hear it, but before we get into that, we got to talk about Covid at least one more time

Matt Baum:

COVID-19 Update: Stay home if you can

Matt Baum:
As you’ve probably heard this week, the US passed 55,000 deaths to the Coronavirus and at the same time there are a lot of states and governors and mayors saying it’s time to reopen the economy and it’s time to get back to business. I’m not going to get on a political stump here, but I will say there are still people dying and the science is still saying that we need to distance ourselves and we need to wear masks when we go out and it’s probably not the right time to reopen the economy until there’s more testing. I have to go with the science here and I try to promote science on this show. I know a lot of people think that CBD is another herbal remedy or some type of Chinese medicine, but I hope it shows through in the episodes that I’ve produced that we are pushing the scientific benefits here and we’re looking for more science and more research and in that same sense, the science right now says it is not safe to reopen the country yet and it’s not safe to reopen the economy.

Matt Baum:
We have to continue social distancing until there is more testing and that’s just the end of it. I don’t see any argument on the other side other than some very rich people who are not going to be working on factory floors, who are not going to be going into restaurants telling people that aren’t as wealthy they need to get back to work. In my day job, I work in web hosting and I am very fortunate that I can work from home, but I have a lot of friends who work in the restaurant business or work in the tattoo business or are musicians and I was a musician, I was a chef, and I can’t imagine they’re going through. But it’s just not safe yet. It isn’t and we need to continue social distancing until such time that there is more testing and we can figure out who is immune, who is not, who is sick and where they are.

Matt Baum:
Right now, that information is just not out there. For the time being, I am urging you to continue social distancing, to continue staying home when you can. If you are going out, wear a mask. And I know it sucks. I don’t want to be home all the time either. I love going to restaurants, I love going to see live shows, but it is irresponsible of us to say, “Well, I feel fine and everybody around me seems like they feel fine. Let’s get back to work and go out and party.” That’s how people get sick and that is how more people die. Just as we are starting to flatten the curve, as they say, and see deaths reducing we could spike that right back up if we rush this and it’s just terrible information, bad ideas and information coming from people that run businesses, from politicians. It’s not coming from scientists and doctors. Listen to your doctor. Listen to the science.

Matt Baum:
Right now they’re saying we have to continue staying home and we have a fantastic article on Ministry of Hemp right now all about isolation, self care. It’s a whole guide with everything from cookie dough smoothies to showing you how to nourish yourself inside and out with hemp and of course good CBD that you can take to reduce your anxiety. But I implore you, please be safe. The testing is not there and we are not ready to go back to life as usual. We just aren’t so please don’t even listen to me. Listen to your doctor, listen to the science and take a good look at the people who are telling you it’s time to get back to work.

Meet Wayne Carkeek

Matt Baum:
My conversation today is with Wayne Carkeek. He is the co-founder of Out and About CBD and he started his CBD company with a community in mind, the LGBTQ community, namely. Now of course Out and About is for anyone who wants to use it, but Wayne has a really cool story and I talked to him about coming into his own as a gay man and feeling safe and okay in his own skin and how CBD helped him. I caught up with Wayne from his kitchen in Huntington Beach, which is turned into a makeshift warehouse as well. Here’s my conversation with Wayne Carkeek.

Matt Baum:
And you’re working from home today. We were just talking about it before we started recording. You’ve got your little warehouse all around you right now.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, yeah. It’s nice. II just have a little sample of every product here. [crosstalk 00:05:57] …Take it to the box office.

Matt Baum:
It’s very responsible of you in these times we’re currently in. Wayne, welcome to the podcast first of all.

Wayne Carkeek:
Well, I come from the military. Organization is a huge thing for me.

Matt Baum:
Absolutely. Okay then. Well, welcome to the podcast. Thank you for your time today. We just want to hear your story, really. You have a very interesting story as to how you got involved in CBD and running your own CBD company. What is your origin story? Can you tell us a little bit here?

Wayne Carkeek:
Growing up, I came from a really small community in a small town in Montana. I just didn’t feel comfortable coming out there and I have some friends currently today who didn’t feel comfortable at the time either. I just felt really insecure. I didn’t feel like I had any support when it came to being who I was. I had people in my family who I knew would love me no matter what, but I also didn’t know how it would be treated going forward.

Wayne Carkeek:
I held it in for a long time and I think that during that time I built up a lot of self doubt, a lot of like inner pain and yeah, it took me a long time to really understand how that was affecting me. I transitioned from my hometown straight into the military. Still playing out the straight man act and I went through the whole military like that as well.

Matt Baum:
Can I ask, is that why you went into the military do you think? Were you trying to prove something to yourself?

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, I think a lot of it was, I was trying to act like a lot of the same masculine figures that I had in my life. There’s a lot of people in my family who were in the military. I had friends who joined the military. I didn’t really know what to do. I wanted to go to school. I wanted to go to college, but I also didn’t have the money for that.

Matt Baum:
Fair enough.

Wayne Carkeek:
That was my route. I like that was what I needed to do in order to go to school. Yeah. In the military I was in a straight relationship and as soon as I got out of that, I had a point in my life where I just wanted to be done playing that game and start living my life and being the person who I knew I could be. And it took me a while. It took me a year to build up the emotional support for myself to do it. I began writing letters to my friends and my families and I promised myself after I got out of the military, I would come out.

Matt Baum:
How old were you when you finally did, when you decided it’s time to come out? How old were you and was there anything that fomented the decision or were you just like, “Dammit, it’s time. I’m done with this.”

Wayne Carkeek:
I think I was, “Damnit, I’m done with this.”

Matt Baum:
Fair enough.

Wayne Carkeek:
And it was at the age of 24. Yeah.

Matt Baum:
Okay. You were young.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I was 24 years when, yeah, I came out. I was pretty young, yeah, but at the time it felt like forever. I felt like I had held that in since I really knew memories.

Matt Baum:
I’m sure.

Wayne Carkeek:
Everything I could remember growing up and becoming an individual through puberty, through high school, making friends, I held all that in and I never spoke a word of my feelings to anyone until that point.

Matt Baum:
Small town Montana. I get that. This is not to disparage any small town, but, yeah, it is different everywhere. And when you go into smaller communities where people grow up a certain way and aren’t accustomed to other ideas of gender or love or whatnot, that can be terrifying. I’m sure. Even if it’s not. Even if when you do come out, people are fine with it. That could still be terrifying until you do, I’m sure. But it sounds like after you came out-

Wayne Carkeek:
And that’s the thing is it’s…

Matt Baum:
Oh no, go ahead. Please.

Wayne Carkeek:
Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt.

Matt Baum:
No, please.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, no, I was just going to say, and that’s the thing is I love that hometown. I have very good memories and I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up any other way except for being comfortable in coming out. It’s such a good small community and there were some amazing people there so I wouldn’t change what I’ve gone through for anything.

Anxiety after coming out

Matt Baum:
Did you go home and come out or were you living somewhere else when you decided that you felt like you were ready?

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I guess to continue, after I got out of the military, I moved back home, not to the same small town, but to a larger city in Montana. I had a sister who lived there and I moved in with her until I got my feet right. Right. The military doesn’t prep you for every aspect of getting out of the military.

Matt Baum:
Go figure.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. Yeah. I started college and yeah, that Thanksgiving, which was just after my birthday I came out.

Matt Baum:
Wow. At the family Thanksgiving?

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. Yeah. I wanted to just get it out and have it all done. Like I said, I wrote letters to every one of my family. Those who weren’t close nearby to celebrate Thanksgiving with, I sent them the letter so that they would get it on Thanksgiving and then I handed them all out right before dinner.

Matt Baum:
Wow. That’s really tearing the bandaid off. I’m impressed. How did dinner go?

Wayne Carkeek:
I’m either all for it or…

Matt Baum:
Yeah, I suppose.

Wayne Carkeek:
What’s that?

Matt Baum:
How did dinner go after that? Just out of curiosity.

Wayne Carkeek:
Really well. I have a big family, so I spent most of it I think with my mom and my sisters and they were very loving and I had felt like after this long trek, that dinner would be very different. It was very special to me, but it felt no different than any other dinner with my family.

Matt Baum:
Good. That’s fantastic. But it also wasn’t the end of your journey, from what I understand.

Wayne Carkeek:
It wasn’t, no. Yeah. Going into my life after that, as a gay man, I started to realize that I was out and I was happy and at the time I had a boyfriend. Just going out, going to bars, going doing things that I finally wanted to be comfortable holding someone’s hand down the street. I felt like I was constantly looking over my shoulder and I was, yeah, I had these little anxieties. Especially in going into cities or towns that I wasn’t familiar with.

Matt Baum:
Yeah. I’m sure.

Wayne Carkeek:
Including my hometown. Yeah. There were just certain moments that I just didn’t feel comfortable. And I know that there are people out there who go through the same things that I have and they do it on the daily. Yeah, so there’s other things that obviously have attributed to this, but I also got panic attacks and I couldn’t explain why. Sometimes they would just be me at home watching TV just thinking about things and they just build up and the next thing I know, I’m freaking out. I can’t breathe, my heart is racing.

Matt Baum:
I know all about it.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I had just a lot of unknowns.

Matt Baum:
Yeah. Nobody knows why panic attacks come on. They just do. If we knew why we could shut them down, right?

CBD helps with anxiety of being ‘out’ as LGBTQ

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. And honestly I think it has everything to do with your mind and your mindset and I’ve grown to understand that, but sometimes you do need a little extra help, a little boost in finding that breath of air or slowing your rhythm down and yeah. I’ve looked into yoga. I’ve tried pain medications, anxiety medications, muscle relaxers. I have back pain and stuff too. Yeah, there’s just a lot of things that I’ve tried and nothing really helps like the way CBD helps.

Matt Baum:
How bad did it get before you found CBD? Where were you at? Was it the kind of thing where you had tried everything? You were having…

Wayne Carkeek:
Anxiety, yeah. It moved its way into every aspect of my life. I would grind my teeth constantly throughout the day and I’d wake up doing the same thing. I’d wake up four or five times a night and thoughts are just running through my mind. Yeah, it was pretty regular. The anxiety attacks, they seemed, once every month is about how bad they got, which honestly I feel lucky that that’s as bad as it got because I know a lot of people who get them regularly, every week. Yeah.

Matt Baum:
Yeah. Definitely. You hear a lot of stories about, and it gets sensationalized of course, but men and women that held it in all their life and then finally they came out and they were better and then their life was so great, but that’s not the case sometimes. There are still societal things. There’s, like you said, going to a new place. Is it okay to walk around and hold my boyfriend’s hand and whatnot? That can be terrifying. And it sounds like you tried a lot of different things before you found CBD. How did you come about CBD? Did someone show it to you? Did you stumble into it?

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, actually I was, so I think I spent three, almost four years being out before I’ve found CBD. I moved to California shortly after living in Montana for a year after the military. I didn’t have the most experience to get any type of great job, so I was baristing, I ended up working at a retail store, and I just slowly moved my way up to this retail store that I’m very thankful for, but my store manager at the time, she was starting her own CBD company for dogs and she was like, “Have you ever tried CBD?” And I was like, “No. I don’t smoke weed. Honestly, that makes my panic attacks come on more full on than anything.” And she was like, “No, no, no. It’s not THC. You’re not going to get high.” And she’s like, “Just trust me. Try it.” Yeah. I ended up trying it and I slept like I never had in 10 years. It was such an amazing effect to me. Just that one aspect, of my sleep. Yeah, so I started using it daily after that.

Matt Baum:
It just turned your head off? You were able to actually rest, basically.

Wayne Carkeek:
I was able to rest and I was able to catch up on my sleep and my thoughts and I was able to take a breath throughout the day and go, “Yeah. Today’s, today. Tomorrow’s tomorrow.” And yeah, and the more I used CBD the more I realized how many different uses I had for it. Yeah. I could take it when I was starting to feel a panic attack or just when I just felt like I was grinding my teeth too much or something. Sure, sure. Yeah. I fell in love with the product.

Matt Baum:
Fair enough. And then from there, so much so you decided, “Ah, screw it. I’m just going to start my own CBD company,” more or less.

Starting an LGBTQ-focused CBD company

Wayne Carkeek:
Well, honestly, I’ve been in retail since I was 14 years old. My brother-in-law had a hardware store that I worked at and I’ve been working for so long in retail that I always wanted to have my own business and I always wanted to be more involved. I’m also very careful and I want to make sure that if I was to start a new adventure like that I would do it right and I wouldn’t just the first idea that popped into my head. Yeah, this made sense and it was just something I wanted to pursue. I just didn’t know how.

Wayne Carkeek:
And that until I met my friend Ralph and yeah, we had so much in common and just the stars aligned. He was looking for someone to start a CBD company with. He was finding investors and we just got to talking how I started using CBD, why I used it And then Ralph is a smart guy. He started doing research and he started giving me these ideas of more people like you, LGBTQ community based people experience 2.5 to three times mental health issues.

Matt Baum:
Yeah, absolutely.

Wayne Carkeek:
Which I wasn’t aware of. I thought that I was the single one in the herd.

Matt Baum:
Of course. You’re the only one. Everybody else is fine.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, yeah. Everyone always thinks that, right?

Matt Baum:

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. We started doing more deep dives into this and the next thing we knew that that was our idea, was to start a CBD company for the LGBT community and with the thought to help ease those mental health issues like anxiety and stress.

Matt Baum:
I get a lot of different CBD companies that contact me and say, “Hey, I’d love to come on the show.” And I would love to have them all on the show, but most of them are just starting a CBD company and there’s not really a story there. There’s no there there as they say in the journalism business. You came into this with a mission. You named your company Out and About. There’s a rainbow that is right there. It’s pretty plain what we’re doing here. I think it’s amazing, first of all. Was there any pushback? Did you feel from other companies or anything, did anyone accuse you of maybe making yourself a poster boy or taking advantage or anything like that? Right in your mission statement it says, “We’re doing this for the LGBT community. Now, of course, anyone can take it and it will help with anyone’s anxiety. What was the focus behind that and did you feel any pushback from anyone?

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I think that no matter what you do in life, you’re going to get push back from anyone, whether it’s your friends or strangers. Yeah, I have received push back, but I think that’s a little validated. If you look at the way my community has been subject to different business opportunities in the past, every June is pride and every company out there, they throw up a rainbow label over their logo.

Matt Baum:
Suddenly they’re 100% behind you for one weekend.

Wayne Carkeek:
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. We know their intentions. It’s so that they can be a part of that community to make their bucks through that month and then they removed that rainbow from their logo. That’s something we fly proud year round is our logo is a rainbow. Yeah. We’re going to continue to receive push back, but I know where my heart is in the company and that’s making a difference and also giving back. Yeah. I’m more than prepared to deal with those kinds of things.

Creating Out And About CBD

Matt Baum:
Fair enough. Tell me about the company itself. How did you get started? It’s one thing to decide, “I think I want to do this,” and it’s another thing to go find growers and people that are going to separate the CBD from the plant and the oil and whatnot. How did you get involved with that? What were the choices along the way?

Wayne Carkeek:
I guess Ralph, for the most part, is very well connected in the CBD industry. He’s worked with some people, some clients and so we had a little bit of a headstart and where we wanted to source our products from and we wanted to make sure that they were premium products. We don’t want to outsource from a different country. Yeah. I think Ralph was very well fluent in where we were going to be buying our products from, but that said, we definitely brought in a big array of items to test and see what products we wanted to make ours. And we also wanted a little bit of customization from them. We wanted to be able to make it specific to the LGBT community. You’ll see things in our collection that are specific to who we are and the things that my community enjoys like working out.

Matt Baum:
Tell me about that a little bit. Tell me about the specifics.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. Working out. We have an energy drink that will be coming out hopefully this month. Yeah. It’s something that can give you a little bit of energy at the gym, get your heart racing, gets you through your workout, but it also has that CBD additive too. Help you relax afterward. I think there’s a little bit of thought about how it influences the lactic acid in your muscles. Don’t quote me on that, but-

Matt Baum:
Fair enough. Now, California is a little looser on that than some states. They’re allowing you to do an energy drink. I know that the FDA is still looking into a lot of this stuff and saying you can use it in an ointment, you can use it in a tincture, but you cannot use it as a food additive yet. That’s cool that you’re allowed to, honestly.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, 100%. Yeah. There’s just a couple of products that are specific now, but going forward I think that we definitely want to hear what our community wants in their products. We’ve already done that with one of our products, which is a CBD lubricant.

Matt Baum:
Oh nice.

Wayne Carkeek:
It’s the sexual lubricant and it’s for gay sex, straight sex, but yeah, it’s something that that can enhance your sexual pleasure.

Matt Baum:
Absolutely. I did an interview with a woman that runs ENG, E-N-G, which is Engineered Erotics and they were doing CBD infused lubricants and whatnot and she said-

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, I listened to that. That was a really good one.

Matt Baum:
She’s really cool and we’ve actually stayed in contact. That’s awesome, you guys are doing that. What other kinds of products are you offering?

Wayne Carkeek:
We have a lot of the ones that other mainstream companies will have out there like gummies. We want to provide, the one thing that I’ve learned using CBD is not everyone’s the same when it comes to dosing. I’m super sensitive and I take usually 10 milligrams at most.

Matt Baum:
Oh wow.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. When some people can take 25, 50 milligrams.

Matt Baum:
Yeah. I’m in the 25 to 50 group myself. Yeah.

Wayne Carkeek:
And that blows my mind away. I think that’d be dead asleep for four days if I did that.

Matt Baum:
Well, that’s the goal for me. It’s time for Matt to turn this thing off and go to bed. How do you take your own CBD? What do you prefer? What’s your regimen?

Wayne Carkeek:
Usually what I do, I’ll go to bed every night and I’ll use the tincture. Especially today with as much sleep as I’m allowed to get with the virus and staying home. I feel like I have to take an extra dose at night, but I’m experimenting right now with taking a tincture before bed, but also taking a gummy so it can digest and hit me a little bit later on. But yeah, throughout the day I’ll usually use either a gummy or we have a mint, which works very similar to a tincture. As it’s dissolving in your mouth, it’s hitting your bloodstream a little bit faster.

Matt Baum:
That’s cool. That’s very cool.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. And then, especially now, I’m working out every day almost. I’m using, we have a massage oil with CBD in it. Lavender scented, and yeah, I’ll put that on my muscles after I shower and it just helps soothe my muscles immediately.

Matt Baum:
Where can we find your products? Are you everywhere now or are you, is this a California mainly or…

Wayne Carkeek:
Currently we’re just an e-commerce. We had big plans to branch out into all the gay neighborhoods across the US over the next couple of years, but obviously with the virus, we’re a little bit pushed back-

Matt Baum:
Society crumbled as we know it.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We’re okay with that. It gives us time to get our feet wet and figure out what we’re doing, where we’re going, build our image a little bit and just get our name out there before people start seeing it in stores. I’m not discouraged at all by it. Yeah, I’m also excited to get out there firsthand and start meeting people in the communities trying to get them to see our products firsthand and test them out and see if they like them.

The Trevor Project & supporting LGBTQ youth

Matt Baum:
Most definitely. Most definitely. What do you have to say to the kid that is out there right now that’s listening to this, that’s terrified? That hasn’t come out and it doesn’t matter where they live or whatever the reason is. What do you have to say to them? Take CBD out of it. What do you say to someone that comes to you and says, “I read your story and I know how you feel and I’m terrified.”

Wayne Carkeek:
The first thing I have to say is I’m very personable and so my first response is, “Give me a call. Text me. Email me.”

Matt Baum:
That’s awesome.

Wayne Carkeek:
I think that’s the one thing that I really wish I had in my life is someone to talk to. And if you don’t feel comfortable talking to me, like I said, the Trevor Project is an amazing organization. That’s why I fully support them because they’re there and they’ve modernized their whole on call system. You can call them, you can text them, you can chat with them online. They’re great people. I’ve met them. I think that what they’re doing is something that should have been here 20 years ago, 30 years ago.

Matt Baum:
Absolutely. Can you talk about the Trevor Project a little bit? How you got involved with it and what it is.

Wayne Carkeek:
Definitely. I love talking about them. Yeah. The Trevor Project is crisis prevention for LGBT youth and it started in the ’90s and it was because of a movie, I guess a film that had come out. What they do is they provide 24 hour services for LGBT youth. I believe what their scope is, is from the ages of 14 to 25 years old. [crosstalk 00:28:23]

Matt Baum:
The highest risk factor too.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense because those were the years where I felt like I was most at risk.

Matt Baum:

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I can completely relate with them, but yeah. They provide these call centers. I think they have five to 700 volunteers working for them across the nation.

Matt Baum:
That’s amazing.

Wayne Carkeek:
Which is amazing. It’s something that just inspires me. If anyone’s ever in need, mental health issue, whatever it is, you should always reach out. I’m not saying that just to the LGBT youth, but anyone obviously.

Matt Baum:
Right. Absolutely.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah. I just know that my community is a little bit more susceptible to having these issues.

Matt Baum:
Right. And as someone who went through it, coming from your background, I can’t think of anybody better to put their face on this stuff and say, “Hey, not only do you not have to suffer and it’s okay to be yourself, there are things that are not drug related or pharmaceutically related that can help you with anxiety and whatnot. I think it’s amazing what you’re doing, man. I really do. And I want to thank you so much for your time. This has really been fantastic. I appreciate it.

Wayne Carkeek:
Yeah, I appreciate it. I appreciate giving me the time and I appreciate everything that you’re doing because I think the education about CBD is the most important thing out there. The more people that can get out there and learn about it, the better off our world will be.

Matt Baum:
Yeah. This is really an aspect, what we’re talking about today, that I hadn’t really taken into account. We’ve obviously done shows about anxiety and whatnot, but as far as looking at a community and how this can help a certain community, I think that’s really cool and it goes way more than just a marketing shtick. I think it’s important.

Wayne Carkeek:

Matt Baum:
Yeah. Very cool, man.

Final thoughts from Matt

Matt Baum:
Again, I want to thank Wayne for his time and we will have links to Out and About CBD on the post for this show. We’ll also have links to the Trevor Project and if any of you out there listening are in the LGBTQ community and you’re having a mental health issue or you just need someone to talk to, I urge you, reach out to these people. They’re fantastic and they will listen.

Matt Baum:
That is about it for this week’s show, but a few announcements before we leave. As always, I want to thank everybody that has jumped on our patron and is supporting Ministry of Hemp there. You can go to Patreon.com/MinistryofHemp and any amount will make you a Ministry of Hemp insider which gets you early access to interviews and articles that are posted on Ministry of Hemp and our podcast extras. We just posted a couple of them. One is with Nick Warrender from Herb who I just talked to in the last episode and the other is from episode 35 where I talked to Seth Hirsch of Catskills Comfrey about how he makes his ointment. They’re fun little extra stuff, and honestly, I can’t thank you guys enough for throwing little extra cash at us, especially during these times and helping Ministry of Hemp out in getting this information to people that need to hear it.

Matt Baum:
Speaking of MinistryofHemp.com, get over there and check out an article we have up about CBD industry insiders speaking about how to stand out in the competitive CBD industry. Also, I don’t normally plug other websites, but our editor in chief and my buddy Kit O’Connell got written up again in Honeysuckle Magazine. They shared some of his writing. It’s a really great article about how the media spread reefer madness and now it can spread the truth. I’ll have a link to that in the notes as well because it’s cool and Honeysuckle is a great magazine too if you haven’t checked it out.

Matt Baum:
Speaking of show notes, at The Ministry of Hemp, we believe that an accessible world is a better world for everybody. You will find a complete written transcription of this show in the show notes as well. If you need more Ministry of Hemp, follow us on all of our social media. You can always find us at /MinistryofHemp or @MinistryofHemp And if you have questions about episode or any hemp questions you’d like to hear answered on the show, call us at (402) 819-4894 and leave us a message. That is The Ministry of Hemp phone line and we would love to hear from you. Kit and I going to be getting together real soon and answering a bunch of your questions for another Q and A show and they are so much fun. You can also email me your questions directly, if you don’t feel like calling in, to [email protected] and again, I would love to hear from you.

Matt Baum:
For now, just like I like to say at the end of every show, remember to take care of yourself, take care of others and make good decisions, will you? This is Matt Baum with The Ministry of Hemp signing off.

Wayne Carkeek (seen left) suffered anxiety after coming out as LGBTQ until he discovered CBD helped. He started Out & About CBD.

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